Emma Keir
Emma Keir
Counsellor & Supervisor, Edinburgh
Practical Concerns
Practical Concerns
TIMING - A counselling session will last an hour and it is expected that you will arrive on time. If you are late the session will still end at the usual time.
COST – Payments ideally will be made prior to, or, at the end of each session and no later than 24 hours after the session has taken place. This should be by cash or bank transfer. My session fees are between £50.00 and £60.00 dependent on client circumstances. I endeavour to keep fees as affordable as possible for all and hope that those clients with greater means feel comfortable paying the higher amount which enables those clients less financially able to access counselling space. Advance payment can also be made for block sessions if this is preferred and receipts can be given if required.

CANCELLING A SESSION - We will both agree to make every effort to advise each other that a session cannot be kept. Ideally notification should be made no less than 48 hours before the time of the session. If I am not advised within 24 hours that you are unable to attend your session, then, regrettably, a fee will be payable. (Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration). If you miss a session without notifying me, I will contact you by text or email to see if you wish to re-arrange. If you do not contact me within two weeks of my message, I will assume that you do not wish to continue with the counselling and I will close my file.
AVAILABILITY – Appointments are available Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 7.30 am to 7pm. In occasional circumstances appointments can be made outwith these days and times.
CONTACT – There are times when I will be unavailable. You are welcome to leave messages on my mobile number or by email and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If I need to contact you and you are not available, I will leave a message but only with your prior agreement. If we should unexpectedly see each other outwith the counselling setting, I will not approach or acknowledge you, however, I will leave it to your discretion if you wish to acknowledge me.
COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE - As a member of BACP and COSCA I abide by their professional and ethical codes of practice. Their standards and complaints procedures are available at www.bacp.co.uk and www.cosca.org.uk.